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Subject: Charm++ parallel programming system
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- From: "Casey W. Stark" <caseywstark AT>
- To: charm AT
- Subject: [charm] AMR performance, for cosmology
- Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 13:12:57 -0700
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: CHARM parallel programming system <>
I am interested in tinkering with the charm++ particles and AMR frameworks (or just charm) for cosmological simulations. I realize there is changa, and I'm sure I could leverage some of the N-body work, but I am interested in Eularian hydro. I don't know if enzo developers ( have contacted the list before, but I'm sure some of them are interested as well.
Is anyone familiar with the performance of the particles/AMR frameworks well above 1,000 cores? I'm sure this depends a lot on the implementation and details of the solver used, but I figured someone might have tried this before.
Casey W. Stark
Astrophysics PhD student, UC Berkeley
- [charm] AMR performance, for cosmology, Casey W. Stark, 09/21/2011
- Re: [charm] AMR performance, for cosmology, Akhil langer, 09/21/2011
- Re: [charm] AMR performance, for cosmology, Casey W. Stark, 09/25/2011
- Re: [charm] AMR performance, for cosmology, Akhil langer, 09/21/2011
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