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charm - [charm] Bug in charm-6.6.1's Unbalanced Tree Search example with HYBRID tree type

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[charm] Bug in charm-6.6.1's Unbalanced Tree Search example with HYBRID tree type

Chronological Thread 
  • From: roger golliver <roger.a.golliver AT>
  • To: charm AT
  • Subject: [charm] Bug in charm-6.6.1's Unbalanced Tree Search example with HYBRID tree type
  • Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 12:05:28 -0800
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: CHARM parallel programming system <>

In charm/examples/charm++/state_space_searchengine/UnbalancedTreeSearch_SE
there is an error that only shows itself on HYBRID trees.

The variable "type" referenced in uts_gennumChildren(), uts_childType()
and createInitialChildren()
needs to be the global variable "type" (in uts.h) which has the tree's type
not the "class UtsStateBase { public: int type; ... }"  which is the type of the node.

In the charm-6.6.1 release's file:
I made the following changes:
For uts_gennumChildren():
        switch (::type) { // Tree's type
        if (height == 0 && ::type == BIN) { // Tree's type
        else if (::type != BALANCED) { // Tree's type
For uts_childType():
       switch (::type) { // Tree's type
For createInitialChildren():
        root->type = ::type; // Tree's type

You can test this with the T4 problem defined in
charm++ now gets the same answer for the T4 problem as
the uts_1.1's sequential, pthread, omp, upc and mpi implementations

#include "cmipool.h"
/*   framework for search engine */
#include "searchEngine.h"
#include "rng/rng.h"
#include "uts.h"

#include <vector>
extern int initial_grainsize;

class UtsStateBase : public StateBase

    int type;          // distribution governing number of children
    int height;        // depth of this node in the tree
    int numChildren;   // number of children, -1 => not yet determined

    /* for RNG state associated with this node */
    struct state_t state;

        type = -1;
        height = -1;
        numChildren = -1;    // not yet determined

    void uts_initRoot(int type)
        this->type = type;
        this->height = 0;
        this->numChildren = -1;      // means not yet determined
        rng_init(this->state.state, rootId);

    int uts_numChildren_bin() {
        // distribution is identical everywhere below root
        int    v = rng_rand(state.state);	
        double d = rng_toProb(v);
        return (d < nonLeafProb) ? nonLeafBF : 0;
    int uts_numChildren_geo() {
        double b_i = b_0;
        int depth = height;
        int __numChildren, h;
        double p, u;

        // use shape function to compute target b_i
        if (depth > 0){
            switch (shape_fn) {

                // expected size polynomial in depth
                case EXPDEC:
                    b_i = b_0 * pow((double) depth, -log(b_0)/log((double) gen_mx));

                    // cyclic tree size
                    case CYCLIC:
                    if (depth > 5 * gen_mx){
                        b_i = 0.0;
                    b_i = pow(b_0, 
                        sin(2.0*3.141592653589793*(double) depth / (double) gen_mx));

                    // identical distribution at all nodes up to max depth
                    case FIXED:
                    b_i = (depth < gen_mx)? b_0 : 0;

                    // linear decrease in b_i
                    case LINEAR:
                    b_i =  b_0 * (1.0 - (double)depth / (double) gen_mx);

        // given target b_i, find prob p so expected value of 
        // // geometric distribution is b_i.
        p = 1.0 / (1.0 + b_i);

        // get uniform random number on [0,1)
        h = rng_rand(state.state);
        u = rng_toProb(h);

        // max number of children at this cumulative probability
        // // (from inverse geometric cumulative density function)
        __numChildren = (int) floor(log(1 - u) / log(1 - p)); 

        return __numChildren;
    void uts_gennumChildren() {
        /* Determine the number of children */
        switch (::type) { // Tree's type
        case BIN:
            if (height == 0)
                numChildren = (int) floor(b_0);
                numChildren = uts_numChildren_bin();

        case GEO:
            numChildren = uts_numChildren_geo();

        case HYBRID:
            if (height < shiftDepth * gen_mx)
                numChildren = uts_numChildren_geo();
                numChildren = uts_numChildren_bin();
        case BALANCED:
            if (height < gen_mx)
                numChildren = (int) b_0;
            CkPrintf("parTreeSearch(): Unknown tree type");

        // limit number of children
        // // only a BIN root can have more than MAXNUMCHILDREN
        if (height == 0 && ::type == BIN) { // Tree's type
            int rootBF = (int) ceil(b_0);
            if (numChildren > rootBF) {
                CkPrintf("*** Number of children of root truncated from %d to %d\n",
                    numChildren, rootBF);
                numChildren = rootBF;
        else if (::type != BALANCED) { // Tree's type
            if (numChildren > MAXNUMCHILDREN) {
                CkPrintf("*** Number of children truncated from %d to %d\n", 
                    numChildren, MAXNUMCHILDREN);
                numChildren = MAXNUMCHILDREN;


    int uts_childType() {
        switch (::type) { // Tree's type
        case BIN:
            return BIN;
        case GEO:
            return GEO;
        case HYBRID:
            if (height < shiftDepth * gen_mx)
                return GEO;
                return BIN;
        case BALANCED:
            return BALANCED;
            CkPrintf("uts_get_childtype(): Unknown tree type");
            return -1;

    inline void createInitialChildren(Solver *solver)
        UtsStateBase *root = (UtsStateBase*)solver->registerRootState(sizeof(UtsStateBase), 0, 1);
        root->type = ::type; // Tree's type
        root->height = 0;
        root->numChildren = -1;      // means not yet determined
        rng_init(root->state.state, rootId);
        if( root->numChildren==0)

    inline void createChildren( StateBase *_base , Solver* solver, bool parallel)
        UtsStateBase parent = *((UtsStateBase*)_base);
        int childIndex = 0;

        int parentHeight = parent.height;
        int numChildren, childType;

        numChildren = parent.numChildren;
        childType   = parent.uts_childType();

        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            UtsStateBase *child  = (UtsStateBase*)solver->registerState(sizeof(UtsStateBase), i, numChildren);
            child->type = childType;
            child->height = parentHeight + 1;
            for (j = 0; j < computeGranularity; j++) {
                rng_spawn((parent.state).state, (child->state).state, i);

    inline double cost( )
        return 0;

    double heuristic( )
        return 0;

    double bound( int &l )
        return 0;

    inline bool isGoal(StateBase *s){
        return (((UtsStateBase*)s)->numChildren==0)?true:false; 
    inline bool terminate(StateBase *s){
        return (((UtsStateBase*)s)->numChildren==0)?true:false; 
    //Search Engine Option
    inline int parallelLevel()
        return initial_grainsize;
    inline int searchDepthLimit()
        return 1;
    int minimumLevel()
        return 1;

    int maximumLevel()
        return  10;
    inline void searchDepthChangeNotify( int ) {}

    SE_Register(UtsStateBase,createInitialChildren, createChildren, parallelLevel, searchDepthLimit);

    void registerSE() {
        SE_register(createInitialChildren, createChildren, parallelLevel, searchDepthLimit);


  • [charm] Bug in charm-6.6.1's Unbalanced Tree Search example with HYBRID tree type, roger golliver, 02/09/2015

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