charm AT
Subject: Charm++ parallel programming system
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- From: Jim Phillips <jim AT>
- To: Leonardo Duarte <leo.duarte AT>
- Cc: Scott Field <sfield AT>, Charm Mailing List <charm AT>
- Subject: Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI
- Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:14:51 -0500 (CDT)
Be sure you are explicitly setting +commap and +pemap. If you don't do this you can end up with all of your threads on the same core.
I also recommend PrgEnv-gnu, as the underlying gcc compilers have thousands of times the number of users as the Cray compilers. The Cray Fortran compiler is no doubt decades ahead of gnu, but not C++, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Cray malloc makes assumptions that destroy Charm++ performance.
On Thu, 29 Oct 2015, Leonardo Duarte wrote:
Hello Scott, thanks for your
I also used the swap to PrgEnv-gnu, the hugepages8M, rca, and the
persistent to build charm. It worked but it was extremely slow.
A simple example runs in secs in my laptop with 2 processors (simulating 2
nodes) and runs in 10 min in 2 nodes of BW.
Of course that I was expecting it to be slower but not this much.
That's why I decided to use the PrgEnv-cray environment, it's the native
The AMPI does not support +ppn 30. It takes from the aprun parameters.
My startup line with only 2 nodes and only 1 worker threads per process is
not wrong.
Since I was having trouble to run it, I simplified the example to
understand better what was going on.
However, it's good to know that your application uses PrgEnv-gnu.
I was worried that mine was too slow because I was using it, or because I
was missing something to build it.
I really want to make it work with PrgEnv-cray right now, but I don't know
what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for your answer!
On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Scott Field
<sfield AT>
Hi Leonardo,
I have a charm++ application running on blue waters, and hopefully some
of this will carry over to AMPI.
In addition to the default blue waters environment, I use
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu/5.2.40
module load craype-hugepages2M
module load rca
and my charm++ build includes the option "persistent". To launch the
application I do
+commap 0aprun -n 2 -r 1 -N 1 -d 31 ./ExecutableName +ppn 30 +pemap 1-30
On startup, my charm++ output looks different from yours. In particular, I
"Charm++> Running in SMP mode: numNodes 2, 30 worker threads per process"
while yours reads
"*Charm++> Running in SMP mode: numNodes 2, 1 worker threads per
These differences may or may not explain the errors you see. Hopefully it
helps. Good luck!
On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 1:58 AM, Leonardo Duarte
<leo.duarte AT>
Hello Everyone,
I'm a PhD student at the CEE department of UIUC and I would
really appreciate if anyone could help me with Charm.
I'm trying to run my code on Blue Waters and I'm using a library that
uses Charm++ AMPI.
I was able to build and run everything correctly but extremely slow with
Now I'm trying to use the native Cray environment.
I'm using this BW environment and modules:
*module load craype-hugepages8M*
*module load rca*
I built charm with this command line:
*./build LIBS gni-crayxe craycc smp -j16 --with-production
--build-shared -O3*
My code is composed by a lot of shared libraries that are loaded
dynamically by the application using dlopen, dlsym and etc.
I'm able to build my code using this command lines on my makefiles:
To compile code that do not use Charm:
*CC -c -fPIC -O2 -I../../core/include -I../../tecgraf/tops/include -o
To link code that do not use Charm:
*CC -shared -Wl,-soname, -o
../../obj/obj64/linear/Linux3/linear.o -L../../tecgraf/tops/lib64/Linux3
-ltops -L../../bin/lib64/Linux3 -ltopsim*
To compile code that uses Charm:
*charmc -language model -c -fPIC -O2 -I../../core/include
-I../../tecgraf/tops/include -I../../tecgraf/tops/include/vis
-I../../../bin/charm/include -o
To link code that uses Charm:
*charmc -shared -language ampi -Wl,-soname, -o ../../obj/obj64/parebepcg/Linux3/parebepcg.o
-L../../tecgraf/tops/lib64/Linux3 -lpartops -ltopsrd -ltops
-L../../bin/lib64/Linux3 -lpartopsim*
To compile my app:
*charmc -language model -c -fPIC -O2 -I../../core/include
-I../../tecgraf/tops/include -I../../tecgraf/tops/include/vis
-I../../plugins -o
To link my app:
*charmc -language ampi -dynamic -o ../../bin/lib64/Linux3/partopsimapp
-L../../tecgraf/tops/lib64/Linux3 -lpartops -ltopsrd -ltops
-L../../bin/lib64/Linux3 -lpartopsim -lpartopsimlib -Wl, --no-as-needed
This is the error that I get:
*_pmiu_daemon(SIGCHLD): [NID 16828] [c19-9c1s1n0] [Thu Oct 29 00:35:04
2015] PE RANK 0 exit signal Segmentation fault*
*[NID 16828] 2015-10-29 00:35:04 Apid 28607883: initiated application
*_pmiu_daemon(SIGCHLD): [NID 16829] [c19-9c1s1n1] [Thu Oct 29 00:35:04
2015] PE RANK 1 exit signal Segmentation fault*
I put some extra infos at the end of the email if you need.
I read a lot of things on the internet and I've been trying a lot but
know I think I need some help.
Am I missing something? Is this the correct way handle it?
I really appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you.
Extra infos
These are my environment variables:
echo $PATH
My app output:
*Charm++> memory pool registered memory limit: 200000MB, send limit:
*Charm++> only comm thread send/recv messages*
*Charm++> Cray TLB page size: 8192K*
*Charm++> Running in SMP mode: numNodes 2, 1 worker threads per process*
*Charm++> The comm. thread both sends and receives messages*
*Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: v6.6.1-0-g74a2cc5*
*CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same.*
*Charm++> Running on 2 unique compute nodes (32-way SMP).*
**** Topsim 0.1.0 ****
*[0] topParInit() registered*
*[0] TopParContext created: 0!*
*[0] topParInit() array created*
*[1] TopParContext created: 1!*
*[1] topParInit() registered*
*[1] topParInit() array created*
*[0] topParInit() done!*
*[1] topParInit() done!*
*[0] PARTOPS: Slave started at processor 0, node: 0, rank: 0.*
*[1] PARTOPS: Slave started at processor 1, node: 1, rank: 0.*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Plugin loaded*
*Application 28607883 exit codes: 139*
*Application 28607883 resources: utime ~2s, stime ~2s, Rss ~15384,
inblocks ~10927, outblocks ~18489*
*Thu Oct 29 00:35:04 CDT 2015*
This is my PBS script
### set the number of nodes
### set the number of PEs per node
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=1:xe
### set the wallclock time
#PBS -l walltime=00:20:00
### set the job name
#PBS -N topsim
### set the job stdout and stderr
#PBS -e topsim.err
#PBS -o topsim.out
### set email notification
#PBS -m bea
leo.duarte AT
### In case of multiple allocations, select which one to charge
##PBS -A xyz
# NOTE: lines that begin with "#PBS" are not interpreted by the shell but
# used by the batch system, wheras lines that begin with multiple # signs,
# like "##PBS" are considered "commented out" by the batch system
# and have no effect.
# If you launched the job in a directory prepared for the job to run
# you'll want to cd to that directory
# [uncomment the following line to enable this]
# Alternatively, the job script can create its own job-ID-unique directory
# to run within. In that case you'll need to create and populate that
# directory with executables and perhaps inputs
# [uncomment and customize the following lines to enable this behavior]
# mkdir -p /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
# cd /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
# cp /scratch/job/setup/directory/* .
# To add certain modules that you do not have added via ~/.modules
. /opt/modules/default/init/bash # NEEDED to add module commands to shell
#module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
module add craype-hugepages8M
module add rca
#export APRUN_XFER_LIMITS=1 # to transfer shell limits to the executable
### launch the application
### redirecting stdin and stdout if needed
### NOTE: (the "in" file must exist for input)
# used for timing
aprun -n2 -N1 ./partopsimapp
# used for timing
### For more information see the man page for aprun
- [charm] Using Charm AMPI, Leonardo Duarte, 10/29/2015
- Re: [charm] Using Charm AMPI, Scott Field, 10/29/2015
- Re: [charm] Using Charm AMPI, Leonardo Duarte, 10/29/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Jim Phillips, 10/29/2015
- Message not available
- Re: [charm] Using Charm AMPI, Sam White, 10/29/2015
- Re: [charm] Using Charm AMPI, Leonardo Duarte, 10/29/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Jim Phillips, 10/29/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Leonardo Duarte, 10/30/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Scott Field, 10/30/2015
- Message not available
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Sam White, 10/30/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Phil Miller, 10/30/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Jim Phillips, 10/30/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Sam White, 10/30/2015
- Re: [charm] [ppl] Using Charm AMPI, Leonardo Duarte, 10/30/2015
- Re: [charm] Using Charm AMPI, Scott Field, 10/29/2015
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