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Subject: Charm++ parallel programming system
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[charm] Fw: question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C
Chronological Thread
- From: "Kale, Laxmikant V" <kale AT>
- To: "charm AT" <charm AT>
- Cc: "Buch, Ronak Akshay" <rabuch2 AT>, "Choi, Jaemin" <jchoi157 AT>
- Subject: [charm] Fw: question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C
- Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 15:37:28 +0000
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Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 3:10 PM
To: Kale, Laxmikant V <kale AT>
Cc: McMahon, Kim <kim.mcmahon AT>; Gilmer, Brian F <brian.gilmer AT>; Warren, Steven <steven.warren AT>
Subject: RE: question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C
... Charm++ is built using these steps:
module load cray-fftw module load craype-hugepages8M module load gcc module swap gcc/10.2.0 gcc/9.3.0 module load cudatoolkit/20.9_11.0 module list export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
tar xvf tcl8.5.9-linux-x86_64.tar cd tcl8.5.9-linux-x86_64 export TCLDIR=`pwd` cd ..
tar xvf NAMD_2.14_Source.tar.gz cd NAMD_2.14_Source/ tar xvf charm-6.10.2.tar cd charm-6.10.2/
export CRAY_MPICH_GNU_BASEDIR=${CRAY_MPICH_BASEDIR}/gnu/${PE_MPICH_GENCOMPILERS_GNU} ./build charm++ mpi-linux-amd64 gcc smp --incdir=${CRAY_MPICH_GNU_BASEDIR}/include --libdir=${CRAY_MPICH_GNU_BASEDIR}/lib --with-production -j4 export CHARM_DIR=mpi-linux-amd64-smp-gcc export ARCH=Linux-x86_64-g++
export ARCH=Linux-x86_64-g++ export CHARM_DIR=mpi-linux-amd64-smp-gcc sed -i '459d' config echo $TCLDIR ./config $ARCH --charm-arch $CHARM_DIR --with-fftw3 --fftw-prefix $FFTW_ROOT --with-memopt --with-cuda --with-tcl --tcl-prefix $TCLDIR cd Linux-x86_64-g++ make |
Building NAMD with UCX doesn’t work. On our internal system this recipe works and allows to run 4 GPU per node. However, on a customer’s machine, with a different SLURM configuration, then the error shown below appears.
Thank you.
Best regards,
From: Carrier, Pierre
Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 2:56 PM
To: kale AT
Cc: McMahon, Kim <kim.mcmahon AT>; Gilmer, Brian F <brian.gilmer AT>; Warren, Steven <steven.warren AT>
Subject: question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C
Hi Prof. Kale,
I work at HPE on some NAMD benchmarks, with others (in CC) that are currently trying to resolve the following problem. On one of our systems the number of nodes is incorrect when trying to run with 4 GPU per node. For example, I get the following output
Charm++> Running in SMP mode: 32 processes, 4 worker threads (PEs) + 1 comm threads per process, 128 PEs total
Charm++> Running on 15 hosts (1 sockets x 64 cores x 2 PUs = 128-way SMP)
...where the SLURM script uses the following syntax:
#SBATCH --nodes=8
srun --ntasks=32 --ntasks-per-node=4 –cpu-bind=none \
${NAMD_PATH}/namd2 ++ppn 4 +devices 0,1,2,3 ${INPUT_PATH}/chromat100-bench.namd &> namd.log
Using that subdivision, I expect to be running on 8 nodes. Following that error, the output becomes:
FATAL ERROR: Number of devices (4) is not a multiple of number of processes (3). Sharing devices between processes is inefficient. Specify +ignoresharing (each process uses all visible devices) if not all devices are visible to each process, otherwise adjust number of processes to evenly divide number of devices, specify subset of devices with +devices argument (e.g., +devices 0,2), or multiply list shared devices (e.g., +devices 0,1,2,0).
Which is just a consequence of the fact that the number of nodes numNodes is incorrect.
I could trace the error down to the variable “topomsg->nodes”, which is incorrectly computed, and hostTable.size(), at the line where printTopology is called:
/* called on PE 0 */ static void cpuTopoHandler(void *m) { _procInfo *rec; hostnameMsg *msg = (hostnameMsg *)m; int pe;
if (topomsg == NULL) { int i; topomsg = (nodeTopoMsg *)CmiAlloc(sizeof(nodeTopoMsg)+CmiNumPes()*sizeof(int)); CmiSetHandler((char *)topomsg, CpvAccess(cpuTopoRecvHandlerIdx)); topomsg->nodes = (int *)((char*)topomsg + sizeof(nodeTopoMsg)); for (i=0; i<CmiNumPes(); i++) topomsg->nodes[i] = -1; } CmiAssert(topomsg != NULL);
msg->procs = (_procInfo*)((char*)msg + sizeof(hostnameMsg)); CmiAssert(msg->n == CmiNumPes()); for (int i=0; i<msg->n; i++) { _procInfo *proc = msg->procs+i;
/* for debug skt_print_ip(str, msg->ip); printf("hostname: %d %s\n", msg->pe, str); */ skt_ip_t & ip = proc->ip; pe = proc->pe; auto iter = hostTable.find(ip); if (iter != hostTable.end()) { rec = iter->second; } else { proc->nodeID = pe; // we will compact the node ID later rec = proc; hostTable.emplace(ip, proc); } topomsg->nodes[pe] = rec->nodeID; rec->rank ++; }
////////// for (int i=0; i<CmiNumPes(); i++) topomsg->nodes[i] = -1; ////////// for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) { ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 0] = 0; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 16] = 16; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 32] = 40; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 48] = 60; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 64] = 76; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 80] = 80; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 96] = 108; ////////// topomsg->nodes[i + 112] = 116; ////////// }
for (int i=0; i < CmiNumPes(); i++) { printf("DEBUG PIERRE topomsg->nodes[%d]=%d\n", i, topomsg->nodes[i]); }
hostTable.clear(); CmiFree(msg);
CmiSyncBroadcastAllAndFree(sizeof(nodeTopoMsg)+CmiNumPes()*sizeof(int), (char *)topomsg); } |
The comments that I added are the values I’m supposed to have when running on a different system that is configured differently with SLURM but can run correctly.
Could you please direct me to someone that can explain the principles of this part of the charm++ code, in particular, what variables are read from the system (SLURM?) in order to define the proc->ip and nodeIDs? And the numNodes.
That part of the charm++ program was done by:
/** This scheme relies on using IP address to identify physical nodes
* written by Gengbin Zheng 9/2008
...but I believe that he is now at Intel, if LinkedIn is up-to-date.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Pierre Carrier, Ph.D.
Apps & Performance Engineering
- [charm] Fw: question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C, Kale, Laxmikant V, 09/09/2021
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [charm] Fw: question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C, Kale, Laxmikant V, 09/09/2021
- RE: [charm] question about charm++ IP address definition as part of cputopology.C, Choi, Jaemin, 09/10/2021
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