k-user AT lists.siebelschool.illinois.edu
Subject: K-user mailing list
List archive
- From: Stephen Chang <stchang AT ccs.neu.edu>
- To: Chucky Ellison <celliso2 AT illinois.edu>
- Cc: "k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu" <k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: Re: [K-user] help running example
- Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 14:17:05 -0500
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Thank you for all the help. It seems like the --search option did something.
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Chucky Ellison
<celliso2 AT illinois.edu>
> Stephen, can you try running:
> $ echo "5" | krun --search programs/diverse/factorial.simple
> and paste the output
echo "5" | krun --search programs/diverse/factorial.simple
Search results:
Solution 1, state 51:
"Input a natural numer: Factorial of 5 is: 120\n"
factorial |-> 0
main |-> 1
0 |-> lambda( y , .List{","} , { var t , .List{","} ; ~> t = 1 ;
~> print( "Factorial of " , y , " is: " , .List{","} ); ~> { var i ,
.List{","} ; ~> i = 1 ; ~> while i <= y do { t = t * i ; ~> i = i + 1
; } } ~> return t ; } )
1 |-> lambda( .List{","} , { print( "Input a natural numer: " ,
.List{","} ); ~> print( factorial ( read() , .List{","} ) , "\n" ,
.List{","} ); } )
2 |-> 5
3 |-> 120
4 |-> 6
> and then
> $ maude simple-untyped-compiled.maude .k/krun_tmp/maude_in
> and paste the output?
maude simple-untyped-compiled.maude .k/krun_tmp/maude_in
--- Welcome to Maude ---
Maude 2.6 built: Dec 9 2010 18:28:39
Copyright 1997-2010 SRI International
Tue Nov 15 14:15:02 2011
Advisory: socket manager declined malformed message #createClientTcpSocket(
#socketManager, cnum(0), "localhost", #TCPPORT).
Advisory: socket manager declined malformed message #createClientTcpSocket(
#socketManager, cnum(1), "localhost", #TCPPORT).
Advisory: socket manager declined malformed message #createClientTcpSocket(
#socketManager, cnum(0), "localhost", #TCPPORT).
Advisory: socket manager declined malformed message #createClientTcpSocket(
#socketManager, cnum(1), "localhost", #TCPPORT).
Advisory: socket manager declined malformed message #createClientTcpSocket(
#socketManager, cnum(0), "localhost", #TCPPORT).
rewrites: 158 in 0ms cpu (1ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
result BagItem:
< T >
< nextLoc > # 2(.List{K}) </ nextLoc >
< in > #parse("#Int",.) ListItem('#charString`(_`)('#string2Int`(_`)(#
#checkResult(#containedRequest(<> #Socket #toSend("1#readbyte#0#\r\n")
#Socket < cnum(1) : Client | state: connecting > #Socket
#createClientTcpSocket(#socketManager, cnum(1), "localhost", #TCPPORT)))(
.List{K})))) #buffer(.) #istream(0) </ in >
< out > #ostream(1) ListItem('String2DotK`(_`)(# #checkResult(
#containedRequest(<> #Socket #toSend("0#writebyte#1#73#\r\n") #Socket <
cnum(0) : Client | state: connecting > #Socket #createClientTcpSocket(
#socketManager, cnum(0), "localhost", #TCPPORT)))(.List{K})))
#removeCharUponAck #buffer(# "Input a natural numer: "(.List{K})) </ out >
< threads >
< thread >
< k > 'read`(`)(.List{K}) ~> freezer('_`,_(var{K}("`[HOLE`]"),,var{K}(
"K2")))(var{K}("K2")<-('.List`{","`}(.List{K}))) ~>
"K1"),,var{K}("`[HOLE`]")))(var{K}("K1")<-(# #id "factorial"(.List{K})))
"\n"(.List{K}),,'.List`{","`}(.List{K})))) ~> freezer('print`(_`);(var{K}(
"`[HOLE`]")))(.List{K}) ~> 'env`(_`)(wmap (# #id "factorial"(.List{K}) |->
# 0(.List{K}) # #id "main"(.List{K}) |-> # 1(.List{K}))(.List{K})) ~>
'return_;('nothing(.List{K})) </ k >
< control >
< fstack > (# #id "factorial"(.List{K}) |-> # 0(.List{K}) # #id "main"(
.List{K}) |-> # 1(.List{K})),freezer('_;(var{K}("`[HOLE`]")))(.List{K}),
< xstack > (.).List </ xstack > </ fstack >
< xstack > (.).List </ xstack > </ control >
< env > # #id "factorial"(.List{K}) |-> # 0(.List{K}) # #id
|-> # 1(.List{K}) </ env >
< holds > (.).Map </ holds > </ thread > </ threads >
< busy > (.).Set </ busy >
< genv > # #id "factorial"(.List{K}) |-> # 0(.List{K}) # #id "main"(.List{K})
|-> # 1(.List{K}) </ genv >
< store > # 0(.List{K}) |-> 'lambda`(_`,_`)('_`,_(# #id "y"(.List{K}),,
'.List`{","`}(.List{K})),,'`{_`}('var_;('_`,_(# #id "t"(.List{K}),,
'.List`{","`}(.List{K}))) ~> '_;('_=_(# #id "t"(.List{K}),,# 1(.List{K})))
~> 'print`(_`);('_`,_(# "Factorial of "(.List{K}),,'_`,_(# #id "y"(.List{
K}),,'_`,_(# " is: "(.List{K}),,'.List`{","`}(.List{K}))))) ~> '`{_`}(
'var_;('_`,_(# #id "i"(.List{K}),,'.List`{","`}(.List{K}))) ~> '_;('_=_(#
#id "i"(.List{K}),,# 1(.List{K}))) ~> 'while_do_('_<=_(# #id
,# #id "y"(.List{K})),,'`{_`}('_;('_=_(# #id "t"(.List{K}),,'_*_(# #id
.List{K}),,# #id "i"(.List{K})))) ~> '_;('_=_(# #id "i"(.List{K}),,'_+_(#
#id "i"(.List{K}),,# 1(.List{K}))))))) ~> 'return_;(# #id "t"(.List{K}))))
# 1(.List{K}) |-> 'lambda`(_`,_`)('.List`{","`}(.List{K}),,'`{_`}(
'print`(_`);('_`,_(# "Input a natural numer: "(.List{K}),,'.List`{","`}(
.List{K}))) ~> 'print`(_`);('_`,_('_`(_`)(# #id "factorial"(.List{K}),,
'_`,_('read`(`)(.List{K}),,'.List`{","`}(.List{K}))),,'_`,_(# "\n"(.List{
K}),,'.List`{","`}(.List{K})))))) </ store > </ T >
- [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, David Lazar, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, David Lazar, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Message not available
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Chucky Ellison, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Message not available
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Chucky Ellison, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Message not available
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Chucky Ellison, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, David Lazar, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Andrei Arusoaie, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Chucky Ellison, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, David Lazar, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, Stephen Chang, 11/15/2011
- Re: [K-user] help running example, David Lazar, 11/15/2011
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