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k-user - [K-user] List of Maps: possible?

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[K-user] List of Maps: possible?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Daniele Filaretti <dfilaretti AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [K-user] List of Maps: possible?
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 01:20:16 +0100
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>

Dear all,
I'll try to be short: do you know if its possible to define a cell containing
a List of Maps (e.g. a list of environments)? If not, do I have to maintain a
list of numbers and a separate map from numbers to "environment" cells (each
one containing a numeric id and a Map)?

I see the technique you used in IMP++ ("storing" the previous environment in
the computation and then restoring it after the content of the block has been
executed). It looks great, but in my case I sometimes need access to at least
the "global" environment (the first that was stored stored), and I don't see
how to do it in that case (that's why I'm considering using a list).

Btw, I'm finding K very stimulating.


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