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- From: Daniele Filaretti <dfilaretti AT gmail.com>
- To: Traian Florin Șerbănuță <traian.serbanuta AT info.uaic.ro>
- Cc: k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Re: [K-user] parsing precedences + a question about KOOL
- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 22:16:17 +0100
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Dear Traian,
thanks a lot for your reply!
On 10 Sep 2012, at 21:55, Traian Florin Șerbănuță wrote:
> W.r.t. the first question, I hope Radu will find a good answer for you
> as he is our parsing expert.
I was using the version of K that appeared a couple of weeks ago. I saw today
that there is a very new version (out today), I'll check it (if that was a
bug I but I guess it is fixed now).
Anyway the question is still open...
> For the KOOL-related question, I would say that although we don't
> check for class name duplicates in the definition, I think we do that
> in the definition of the type checker.
> Otherwise, you are of course right; one could use a map and check that
> the key is not already present in the map before adding a new mapping.
> is this satisfactory?
Yes, it is, thanks! :)
Actually I read the "KOOL-untyped" (there are various versions -typed and
untyped- in the example folder), but I've got the point.
BTW, I'll submit my work to you guys soon...
Thanks again,
> 2012/9/7 Daniele Filaretti
> <dfilaretti AT gmail.com>:
>> Dear all,
>> I recently started using the new version of K and the parser seems to
>> work better than before (as well as having better correct-line error
>> messages, better handling of precedences and so on).
>> I have a couple of questions...
>> Question 1:
>> Regarding precedences: in my syntax I have something like:
>> Syntax Exp ::=
>> ...
>> |Exp "/" Exp [ left, strict ]
>>> Exp "+" Exp [ left, strict ]
>> | Exp "<=" Exp [ seqstrict, latex({#1}\l
>>> VarId "=" Exp [ strict(2) ]
>> | VarId "=" "&" VarId
>> ...
>> This way, an expression like
>> a = b + c
>> it correctly parsed as
>> a = (b + c)
>> because binary operators (in particular "+") have precedence over
>> assignment (using ">" in syntax definition).
>> Now, I've been trying to group the various binary operations into a
>> separate category:
>> syntax BinOpExp ::=
>> Exp "/" Exp [ left, strict ]
>>> Exp "+" Exp [ left, strict ]
>> | Exp "<=" Exp [ seqstrict, latex({#1}\l
>> syntax Exp ::=
>> ...
>> | BinOpExp // See above!
>>> VarId "=" Exp [ strict(2)]
>> ...
>> but this doesn't work, i.e. when I run 'krun' on the same expression
>> 'a = b + c' I got an error msg saying that there is a parsing
>> ambiguity between "=" and "+", and that the first is chosen arbitrary.
>> Hence, the expression is parsed as
>> (a = b) + c
>> The two definitions looks equivalent to me. Is this a bug/problem in
>> the current K tool implementation or I'm missing something?
>> Question 2:
>> I'm reading the KOOL language definition contained in the example
>> folde, as I'm interested in modelling classes and objects in K.
>> Regarding class declaration:
>> /*@ \subsection{Class declaration}
>> Initially, the classes forming the program are moved into their
>> corresponding cells: */
>> rule <k> class Class1:Id extends Class2:Id { Ss:Stmts } => . ...</k>
>> <classes>... (. => <class>
>> <className> Class1 </className>
>> <extends> Class2 </extends>
>> <declarations> Ss </declarations>
>> </class>)
>> ...</classes> [structural]
>> It seems to me that this way it is possible to have multiple classes
>> sharing the same name (i.e. there is no check wether "Class1" already
>> exists or not). Is it correct? If yes, is there a way of checking
>> wether the name "Class1" is unique?
>> If this is not the case I would use a mapping from names to "classes",
>> but I'm not sure...
>> Thank you very much for your advice, and have a nice day!
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Daniele Filaretti
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>> k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu
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- [K-user] parsing precedences + a question about KOOL, Daniele Filaretti, 09/07/2012
- Re: [K-user] parsing precedences + a question about KOOL, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 09/10/2012
- Re: [K-user] parsing precedences + a question about KOOL, Daniele Filaretti, 09/10/2012
- Re: [K-user] parsing precedences + a question about KOOL, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 09/10/2012
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