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Subject: K-user mailing list
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- From: Traian Florin Șerbănuță <tserban2 AT illinois.edu>
- To: samira kherfellah <samira.kherfellah AT gmail.com>
- Cc: "k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu" <k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: Re: [K-user] K framework
- Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 01:05:16 +0200
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Dear Samira,
Thank you for you interest in K. Sorry for founding a problem in the AGENT example.
We managed to fix that and our latest build (from here http://k-framework.org/index.php/K_tool_binaries ) should contain a working version.
please try again with that version and let us know whether it works.
Agent contains many modules, some of them you might find unnecessary for a simple process/agent-based language. feel free to adjust the definition by need.
programs p22, p23, and p24 are exhibiting some agent communication and synchronization primitives;
programs p17-p22 are exhibiting multithreaded concurrency and synchronization primitives.
hope this helps.
best wishes,
Traian Serbanuta
2013/3/1 samira kherfellah <samira.kherfellah AT gmail.com>
I am student in computer science and i want to use K to redefine
syntax and semantic of a language based on process.
My first question is: how to compile "agent.k" in a list of examples,
I tried to compile this example in the online interface but there is
an error message:
[Error] Compiler: Production has already been defined at (7,25,7,28)
in file /home/tools/K/k-framework/dist/include/modules/uris.k
File: /home/tools/K/tmp_22d3c65dcb0085902dfdddff69e6dccd/examples/agent/exp.k
Location: (3,23,3,26)
Compilation Phase: class org.kframework.compile.checks.CheckSyntaxDecl
My second question is: is there a sample program containing agents
that communicate with messages that I can test with this example?
waiting for your reply, please accept, Sir, my most sincere greetings.
- Re: [K-user] K framework, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 03/01/2013
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [K-user] K framework, samira kherfellah, 03/12/2013
- Re: [K-user] K framework, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 03/13/2013
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