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- From: Ulrich Kühne <ulrichk AT informatik.uni-bremen.de>
- To: k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: [K-user] language with goto
- Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 15:35:45 +0100
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
I am trying to define an imperative language with goto. My idea is to have a first "parsing phase", where I put all the statements into a list and add an index to each statement. Only after this, I "load" one statement at a time into the execution context, indexed by a <pc> program counter.
The problem is that the execution / evaluation gets stuck. I guess I need some heating rules, but I don't know how to write them. Obviously, I don't want the statements to be executed during the parsing phase, but only after loading them, so I cannot use a standard sequential heating like S:Stmt S2 => S ~> S2.
Does anyone have a good idea how to make this work? I attached the definition and an example. The execution yields this:
sputnik$ krun test.goto
z = (7 + 8) <===== GETTING STUCK!
ListItem([ 0 , (x = 5) ])
ListItem([ 1 , (y = 6) ])
ListItem([ 2 , (z = (7 + 8)) ])
ListItem([ 3 , (u = (x + 1)) ])
ListItem([ 4 , (if (u == (x + 2)) then (v = 0) else (v = (x + 1))) ])
ListItem([ 5 , (w = 42) ])
x |-> 5
y |-> 6
Thanks for your help
syntax Atom ::= Id | Int
syntax Exp ::= Atom
| Exp "+" Exp [left,strict]
| Exp "-" Exp [left,strict]
> Exp "==" Exp [left,strict]
| Exp "<=" Exp [left,strict]
syntax Stmt ::= Id "=" Exp [strict(2)]
| "if" Exp "then" Stmt "else" Stmt [strict(1)]
| "goto" Int
syntax Prog ::=
| Prog Prog [right]
module GOTO imports GOTO-SYNTAX
syntax State ::= "PARSING" | "RUNNING"
<k> $PGM:K </k>
<state> PARSING </state>
<pc> 0 </pc>
<rom> .List </rom>
<ctx> .K </ctx>
<store> .Map </store>
//@ note if parsing is done
rule <k>.</k><state>PARSING => RUNNING</state>
//@ we add indices to statements in order to perform GOTO later
syntax IdxStmt ::= "[" Int "," Stmt "]"
//@ Parse statements, add indices and put them into the ROM
rule <k>S:Stmt S2 => S2</k>
<rom> . => ListItem([0,S]) </rom>
rule <k>S:Stmt => .</k>
<rom> . => ListItem([0,S]) </rom>
rule <k>S:Stmt S2 => S2</k>
<rom>... ListItem([I,T]) => ListItem([I,T]) ListItem([I +Int
rule <k>S:Stmt => .</k>
<rom>... ListItem([I,T]) => ListItem([I,T]) ListItem([I +Int
syntax KResult ::= Int
//@ Evaluation of arithmetic expressions
rule X:Int + Y:Int => X +Int Y
rule X:Int - Y:Int => X -Int Y
//@ Evaluation of equality expressions
rule X:Int == Y:Int => 1 when X ==Int Y
rule X:Int == Y:Int => 0 when X =/=Int Y
rule X:Int <= Y:Int => 1 when X <=Int Y
rule X:Int <= Y:Int => 0 when X >Int Y
//@ Variable lookup
rule <ctx>X:Id => Y ...</ctx>
<store>... X|->Y ...</store>
//@ Evaluate if condition
rule <ctx>if G:Int then S1 else S2 => S1 </ctx>
when G =/=Int 0
rule <ctx>if G:Int then S1 else S2 => S2 </ctx>
when G ==Int 0
//@ Assignment
rule <ctx>X:Id = Y:Int => . ...</ctx>
<store> ... . => X|->Y ... </store>
//@ Go to
rule <ctx>goto T:Int => . </ctx>
<pc> _ => T </pc>
//@ Execute next statement
rule <state> RUNNING </state>
<ctx>. => S </ctx>
<pc> I:Int => I +Int 1</pc>
<rom>... ListItem([I,S:Stmt]) ...</rom>
x = 5
y = 6
z = 7 + 8
u = x + 1
if u == x + 2 then v = 0 else v = x + 1
w = 42
- [K-user] language with goto, Ulrich Kühne, 03/26/2013
- Re: [K-user] language with goto, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 03/26/2013
- Re: [K-user] language with goto, Ulrich Kühne, 03/26/2013
- Re: [K-user] language with goto, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 03/26/2013
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