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[K-user] (no subject)

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [K-user] (no subject)
  • Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 23:17:42 +0300
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>

Dear K users and developers,

I hope this is the right place to ask user questions. I just started
learning K and I'm having trouble understanding some parts. I actually
have a huge list of questions in mind but for now I want to ask only a
portion of them. Please excuse me if I'm sending this to an
inappropriate list.

Let's say I have this K program: (btw, sorry if I'm using some
terminology wrong and please correct me if I'm wrong. this is my first
K code ever)


syntax Concat ::= Concat1 ";" Concat
| "end"

syntax Concat1 ::= Id
| "[" Concat "]" // quotation
| Int
| "printSomethingRandom"


module CONCAT


<k> $PGM:Concat </k>
<out stream="stdout"> .List </out>
<someList> .List </someList>
<someMap> .Map </someMap>

rule <k> (printSomethingRandom;Cs) => Cs </k>
<out> ... . => ListItem(N) </out>
<someList> ... . => ListItem(N) </someList>
when fresh(N:Nat)

rule <k> (I:Id;Cs) => Cs </k>
<someList> ... . => ListItem(I) </someList>

rule <k> (I:Int;Cs) => Cs </k>
// if I remove the part below this rule works fine
<someMap> ... I |-> (_ => N) ... </someMap>
when fresh(N:Nat)

rule <k> end => . </k>


(this is going to be a concatenative language like Forth, PostScript,
Joy, Cat, Factor etc. when it's done)

Now let me list my questions about this program:

* Let's say I changed the separator in Concat syntax from ";" to "
". Now how can I match it in rules? Simply changing ; characters with
` ` (space character) fails with "syntax error". Interestingly, if I
change it with "-" instead of " ", it works fine. I don't understand
how to use space character in patterns in rules.

* Is there a reference manual etc. for matching rules to manipulate
data structures like Map/List/Bag etc.? In this code, for some reason
3. rule doesn't work. This is probably because of a mistake in
matching syntax in <someMap> part of the rule. (because removing that
part makes it work) I copied that code from Imp implementation which
is defined in K tutorials, but for some reason same syntax doesn't
work for me.

* Let's say I'm running this program:

➜ concat cat test.con
➜ concat krun --no-config test.con
➜ concat krun test.con
10 ; end
ListItem(#ostream ( 1 ))
ListItem(#buffer ( "" ))

as you can see, even though I'm adding some elements to out list,
and out configuration is marked as an output stream, this program
doesn't really print anything. Why is that?

* Let's say I'm using built-in list syntax instead of `Concat1 ";"
Concat` syntax I used in first syntax declaration: `List{Concat1,
";"}`. Now how should I change my rules in order to match this new


Ömer Sinan Ağacan

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