k-user AT lists.siebelschool.illinois.edu
Subject: K-user mailing list
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- From: Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan AT gmail.com>
- To: "k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu" <k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: [K-user] need help -- maude error
- Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 21:16:02 +0300
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Hi all,
I'm having a weird maude error while trying to run my K program. Does
anyone have any ideas on what's going on here?
➜ test git:(master) ✗ kompile test.k -v && krun test
Including file: /home/omer/K/lua-semantics/test/test.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/autoinclude.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/k-prelude.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/builtins.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/bool.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/int.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/k-equal.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/array.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/float.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/string.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/id.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/io/tcp.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/random.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/counter.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/builtins/symbolic-k.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/modules/substitution.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/modules/pattern-matching.k
Including file: /home/omer/K/k/dist/include/io/uris.k
Basic Parsing = 321
Preprocess = 134
Checks = 8
File Gen Pgm = 21
Generate TBLPgm = 80
File Gen Def = 158
Generate TBLDef = 4487
Importing Files = 1096
Parsing Configs = 381
Parsing Rules = 4788
Serialize Definition to XML = 411
Generating equations for hooks = 29
Check that configuration cells have unique names = 3
Remove brackets = 5
Add empty lists = 5
Remove syntactic casts = 4
class org.kframework.compile.checks.CheckVariables = 5
class org.kframework.compile.checks.CheckRewrite = 5
Strict Ops To Context = 4
Freeze User Freezers = 1
Contexts to Heating Rules = 0
AddSupercoolDefinition = 1
Generate Heating Conditions = 1
Add Superheat rules = 0
Desugar streams = 1
Resolve Functions = 2
Add K cell = 3
Add cells to stream rules = 0
Add symbolic constructors = 1
Define semantic equality = 5
Transform fresh conditions into fresh variables. = 3
Resolve fresh variables (MOS version). = 5
Add top cell for configurations = 1
Resolve binder = 1
Resolve anonymous variables = 4
Resolve Blocking Input = 2
Add translation from K to Z3 SMTlib v2 string = 5
Add syntax and symbolic predicates = 17
Resolve syntax predicates = 34
Resolve Builtins = 3
Resolve KList = 14
Syntax K to Abstract K = 123
Define KLabel2String and String2Klabel for KLabel constants = 27
Define isKLabelConstant predicate for KLabel constants = 6
Resolve Hybrid = 2
Resolve Context Abstraction = 7
Resolve Default Terms = 4
Resolve Open Cells = 38
Pushing local rewrites to top = 3
Compile collections to internal K representation = 23
Cool the <k> cell for supercool rules = 1
AddStrictStar = 14
AddDefaultComputational = 3
AddOptionalTags = 7
Generating Maude file = 170
Total = 12523
Number of Modules = 2
Number of Sentences = 3
Number of Productions = 5
Number of Cells = 0
Krun was executed with the following arguments:
Warning: Compiled definition file name (test) and the extension of
the program () aren't the same. Maybe you should use --syntax-module
or --main-module options of krun
Warning: Maude produced warnings or errors.
Warning: "base.maude", line 5 (mod TEST-BASE): bad token HOLE.
Warning: "base.maude", line 5 (mod TEST-BASE): no parse for statement
eq <_>_</_> (k, _~>_ (_`(_`) ('return, Test:K),
GeneratedFreshVar0:K), k) = <_>_</_> (k, _~>_ (_~>_ (Test:K, _`(_`)
('returnVal, HOLE)), GeneratedFreshVar0:K), k) [metadata
location=(16,3,16,59) computational=()"] .
Warning: "base.maude", line 7 (mod TEST-BASE): bad token HOLE.
Warning: "base.maude", line 7 (mod TEST-BASE): no parse for statement
ceq <_>_</_> (k, _~>_ (_~>_ (V:KItem, _`(_`) ('returnVal, HOLE)),
GeneratedFreshVar0:K), k) = <_>_</_> (k, _~>_ (_`(_`) ('returnVal,
V:KItem), GeneratedFreshVar0:K), k) if _`(_`) (isVal, V:KItem) =
_`(_`) (# true, .KList) [metadata
location=(17,3,17,60) computational=()"] .
➜ test git:(master) ✗ cat test.k
syntax Test ::= "nilExp" | return(Test) | returnVal(Val)
syntax Val ::= "nil"
syntax KReuslt ::= Val
module TEST
rule <k> nilExp => nil ... </k>
rule <k> return(Test) => Test ~> returnVal(HOLE) ... </k>
rule <k> V:Val ~> returnVal(HOLE) => returnVal(V) ... </k>
➜ test git:(master) ✗ cat test
➜ test git:(master) ✗
Ömer Sinan Ağacan
- [K-user] need help -- maude error, Ömer Sinan Ağacan, 09/15/2013
- Re: [K-user] need help -- maude error, Radu Mereuta, 09/16/2013
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