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- From: Traian Florin Șerbănuță <traian.serbanuta AT info.uaic.ro>
- To: "Park, Daejun" <dpark69 AT illinois.edu>
- Cc: Jiho Choi <jray319 AT gmail.com>, "k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu" <k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu>, "Shull, Thomas Edward" <shull1 AT illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [K-user] Question about List{…}
- Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 15:10:41 +0200
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Hi Daejun,
2013/11/30 Park, Daejun <dpark69 AT illinois.edu>
I have two quick questions about List{…}.
First, it seems that K automatically infers a List of KResult's to be a KResult. Am I right?For example, suppose that I want to translate the following program:{ 1 + 10, 2 + 20 }to{ 11, 22 }
Then, a K definition could be:
module Xsyntax Pgm ::= "{" Exps "}" [strict(1)]syntax Exps ::= List{Exp,","} [seqstrict]syntax Exp ::= Int "+" Int| Intsyntax Vals ::= List{Int,","}syntax KResult ::= Vals // THIS IS NOT REQUIREDsyntax KResult ::= Intconfiguration <k> $PGM:Pgm </k>rule I1:Int + I2:Int => I1 +Int I2endmodule
One thing I cannot understand is that the above definition works even if the following line is not given:syntax KResult ::= Vals // THIS IS NOT REQUIREDHow it works without the information?
There is a specific line in the kompile sources which checks whether the item sort of a list is subsorted to KResult, and, if so, it subsorts the entire list to KResult.
This is done in order to capture the idea that lists are "hybrid", i.e., they become results when all their elements are results.
Second question is:
When I tried to translate the following program (with the same K definition):{ }what I expected was:{ }but K returns{ .List{","} }
How can I remove the annotation? Or, how can I make K parse the annotated program?
Indeed, my scenario is that there exist two K definitions, where- the first K definition translates a given program to a simpler form,- and, the second K definition reads the translated program and does something..In that case, I need a way to either remove the annotation (because K parser cannot parse that annotation), or make the K parser parse that annotation.
This is an issue with the pretty printer, which should probably detect (and avoid printing) empty lists if the parent constructor is a language construct
best wishes,
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,Daejun
k-user mailing list
k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu
- [K-user] Question about List{…}, Park, Daejun, 11/29/2013
- Re: [K-user] Question about List{…}, Traian Florin Șerbănuță, 11/30/2013
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