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[K-user] Repeating expressions in a rewrite rule

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Frederico Zica <fredzica AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [K-user] Repeating expressions in a rewrite rule
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 02:42:44 +0200
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>


I'm using the K to define the semantics of a assembly language of an 8-bits microcontroller family.

Some of the language assembly instructions interfere in the values of the SREG - the status register of the microcontroller. In my case it's represented as 8 configuration cells:  

     <ri> false </ri>
     <rt> false </rt>
     <rh> false </rh>
     <rs> false </rs>
     <rv> false </rv>
     <rn> false </rn>
     <rz> false </rz>
     <rc> false </rc>

My problem is that many of the instructions require the same operations to be done in different cells, and hence I have duplicate code. As an example I'll have the code of the add operation here below.

    rule <k> add Rd, Rr => . </k>
        <registers>... (Rr |-> RrV) (Rd |-> (RdV => addMInt(RdV, RrV)))  ...</registers>
        <rh> _ => addrh(bit(RdV, 3), bit(RrV, 3), bit(addMInt(RdV, RrV), 3)) </rh>
        <rs> _ => addrv(bit(RdV, 7), bit(RrV, 7), bit(addMInt(RdV, RrV), 7)) xorBool bit(addMInt(RdV, RrV), 7) </rs> // V⊕ N for signed tests  
        <rv> _ => addrv(bit(RdV, 7), bit(RrV, 7), bit(addMInt(RdV, RrV), 7)) </rv>
        <rn> _ => bit(addMInt(RdV, RrV), 7) </rn>
        <rz> _ => eqMInt(addMInt(RdV, RrV), toByte(0)) </rz>
        <rc> _ => overflowMInt(uaddMInt(RdV, RrV)) </rc>
        <clockcycle> C => C +Int 1 </clockcycle>

     // Add flags
     syntax Bool ::= addrv(Bool, Bool, Bool) [function]
     syntax Bool ::= addrh(Bool, Bool, Bool) [function]    
     // Rd7 • Rr7 • R7 ¯ + Rd7 ¯ • Rr7 ¯ • R7
     rule addrv(Rd7b, Rr7b, R7b) =>
         Rd7b andBool
         Rr7b andBool
         (notBool R7b) orBool
         (notBool Rd7b) andBool
         (notBool Rr7b) andBool
         R7b [macro]
     // Rd3 • Rr3 + Rr3 • R3 ¯ + R3 ¯ • Rd3
     rule addrh(Rd3b, Rr3b, R3b) =>
         Rd3b andBool
         Rr3b orBool
         Rr3b andBool
         (notBool R3b) orBool
         (notBool R3b) andBool
         Rd3b [macro]

You can see that some function calls are repeated many times, for instance the 'addMInt(RdV, RrV)'. I know that I could use macro definitions to centralize each of the repeating piece of code, exactly as I did with 'addrv' and 'addrh', but I don't see it as a very good decision because that would create a macro that will be used only in one rewrite rule and it would still compute the values many times. I can imagine a 'where' clause that could facilitate this task, in which I would be able to name a variable, like this:

    rule <k> add Rd, Rr => . </k>
        <registers>... (Rr |-> RrV) (Rd |-> (RdV => Res))  ...</registers>
        <rh> _ => addrh(bit(RdV, 3), bit(RrV, 3), bit(Res, 3)) </rh>
        <rs> _ => addrv(bit(RdV, 7), bit(RrV, 7), bit(Res, 7)) xorBool bit(Res, 7) </rs> // V⊕ N for signed tests  
        <rv> _ => addrv(bit(RdV, 7), bit(RrV, 7), bit(Res, 7)) </rv>
        <rn> _ => bit(Res, 7) </rn>
        <rz> _ => eqMInt(Res, toByte(0)) </rz>
        <rc> _ => overflowMInt(uaddMInt(RdV, RrV)) </rc>
        <clockcycle> C => C +Int 1 </clockcycle>
        where Res = addMInt(RdV, RrV)

Is there a functionality like this in K? Can I do it somehow?

Frederico Zica

  • [K-user] Repeating expressions in a rewrite rule, Frederico Zica, 07/30/2014

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