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- From: Andrei Stefanescu <andreistef AT gmail.com>
- To: Björn Engelmann <bjoern.engelmann AT uni-oldenburg.de>
- Cc: "k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu" <k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: Re: [K-user] Matching Logic Program Verification Question
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 02:02:58 -0500
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Hi Bjorn,
Thank you for you interest in K and Matching Logic. There are two separate issues.
1. The specification rule has the [trusted] tag, which means the verifier does not attempt to prove it, but may use it in proving other rules. I used that tag for debugging purposes, and I forgot to remove it. Thank you for noticing!
2. There was indeed a bug in the translation of the ensures clauses in internal data structures, which has been fixed in the meantime. I suggest you use the latest version of K. You can get it from github (https://github.com/kframework/k, the master branch) or from the download page (http://www.kframework.org/index.php/K_tool_binaries, under latest). Please let us know if you have any more questions.
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 8:51 AM, Björn Engelmann <bjoern.engelmann AT uni-oldenburg.de> wrote:
I was curious about this new program verification feature and wanted to
try it, but stumbled upon the following situation:
1) I took the kernelc-bubble-sort example from the samples directory,
kompiled it for the java backend and kran it with --prove
bubble_sort_spec.k and all the options listed in the config.xml file in
that directory. => everything seemed to work fine and I got
Which I interpreted as "verification successful, specification holds."
2) Curious as I am, I replaced the postcondition in bubble_sort_spec.k
by "false", expecting things to fail, but when I kran with --prove
again, it again replied
3) When I am not mistaken, then under the partial correctness
interpretation, non-terminating programs are allowed to have a {false}
postcondition, so I kran bubble-sort.c without the --prove option, and
got a final state, which AFAIK means it terminated...
Now I am pretty much stuck as I don't know if
a) the initial specification does not hold and the "true [] true"
actually indicates just that or
b) my postcondition "false" does not mean what I intended it to mean or
c) there is a bug in the verifier allowing it to derive a false
postcondition for a terminating program.
I packaged up all files necessary (case.tar.bz2), along with a
shell-script (run-prover.sh) that reproduces the case on my machine.
kompile --version output:
K framework version 3.5.1
Git revision: c41270a
Git branch: UNKNOWN
Build date: Thu Jan 29 23:40:05 CET 2015
could someone either:
- explain what I misunderstood or
- see if there is a bug, please?
Thanks in advance,
Björn Engelmann
k-user mailing list
k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu
- [K-user] Matching Logic Program Verification Question, Björn Engelmann, 04/28/2015
- Re: [K-user] Matching Logic Program Verification Question, Andrei Stefanescu, 04/29/2015
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