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- From: Philip Daian <philip.daian AT runtimeverification.com>
- To: k-user AT cs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Re: [K-user] Parsing JavaMOP using K
- Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 10:58:35 -0500
- List-archive: <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/k-user/>
- List-id: <k-user.cs.uiuc.edu>
Hi Ali and all, I support this effort entirely and will do whatever I can from the RV-Monitor side. The MOP file parsers you're referring to in RV-Monitor, as well as a lot of their associated code make the codebase needlessly complex (far beyond what it should be) and difficult to work with, so I think a completely independent and well specified JavaMOP is in the interest of all projects. Also, I think that such a project in K can be written with many language independent components, with a framework that can then be reused for CMOP and MOP for many other languages. Eventually I also believe that RV-Monitor's parser, and even in the more distant future RV-Monitor itself (which is a compiler from logics to monitoring libraries), can be rewritten as such. Thanks, Philip Daian RV Inc On 06/19/2015 07:34 AM, Kheradmand, Ali
We've decide to implement JavaMOP's parser using K and I need
a link to get more information on how to use K's API for parsing
in java.
I've included information about the JavaMOP project and it's
implementation below:
Description of the JavaMOP project:
JavaMOP is
a framework that allows one to specify (using FSM, ERE, LTL,
…) formal properties for Java programs, and then automatically
synthesizes monitors that efficiently monitor the runtime of the
programs for validation or violation of those properties and
call (if exist) user defined handlers in response.
The user specifies the properties and handlers in a file with
.mop extension using
JavaMOP's syntax. Basically an MOP specification describes
the (interesting) events using slightly extended syntax of AspectJ
Advice and then describes the properties over the declared
event using a syntax specific to the desired logic (for example FSM)
and finally describes the handlers for validation or violation
of the properties in Java.
JavaMOP in fact uses RV-Monitor for
synthesis of the runtime monitors. In RV-Monitor, one describes
the desired properties in an RVM
specification (a file with .rvm extension). RV-Monitor
generates the monitoring libraries for an input RVM
specification. These libraries provide interface functions
(corresponding to the events in the specification) that need to
be manually called from within the target program in the sense
that the programmer should manually instrument the code at
places corresponding to the declared events. JavaMOP on the
other hand automates the instrumentation process by using
AspectJ to describe the events.
In it's most basic form, JavaMOP's compiler inputs an MOP
specification (.mop file) and outputs two files: one is an
AspectJ (.aj) file which contains the Advices and handlers and
the other one is an RVM specification (.rvm) which contains the
specification of the properties. One can feed the generated .rvm
file to RV-Monitor to obtain the monitoring libraries and then
feed the libraries, the .aj file, and the target program to the
AspectJ compiler to produce the instrumented program.
Implementation of JavaMOP:
JavaMOP is implemented purely in java. It uses JavaCC to
parse javamop and
to get the ASTs and
then works with the ASTs to produce aspectj and rvm.
Unfortunately it's a bit messy. Also JavaMOP and RV-Monitor used
to be a single project, then they diverged but they are not
completely separated and a lot of messy things are happening in
the parsing part. For example right now JavaMOP sends MOP files
to RV-Monitor for parsing and then further parses what is
Grigore's idea is to implement a clean parser for JavaMOP
using K's parser and then work with KAST. These are the steps
that he mentioned that needs to be done for now:
Now for the start I need to get some information on how to
use K for parsing and more information on what is KAST and how
can I work with that.
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- [K-user] Parsing JavaMOP using K, Kheradmand, Ali, 06/19/2015
- Re: [K-user] Parsing JavaMOP using K, Philip Daian, 06/19/2015
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