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- From: "Park, Daejun" <dpark69 AT illinois.edu>
- To: Gurvan Le Guernic <gleguern AT gmail.com>
- Cc: "k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu" <k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] [K] Parsing input stream
- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 03:52:04 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
Hi Gurvan,
Please find the answer below.
On Jan 20, 2016, at 10:55 AM, Gurvan Le Guernic
<gleguern AT gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I'm using K to specify the semantics of a "message" filtering language. In
> order to evaluate the semantics, the "filtering program" is the program
> parsed by K at start up and the "messages" to filter are retrieved from
> stdin, i.e. the configuration contains the following fragment :
> <streams color="yellow">
> <in stream="stdin"> .List </in>
> <out stream="stdout"> .List </out>
> </streams>
> I first tried a version where messages are a simple 'String'. Messages are
> then loaded withe the following 2 rules :
> syntax Holder ::= "getNextMsg"
> rule
> <k> . => getNextMsg </k>
> <out> ... .List => ListItem("> ") </out>
> [structural]
> rule
> <filter> F:Filter </filter>
> <k> getNextMsg => F </k>
> <in> ListItem(Msg:String) => .List ...</in>
> <input>
> ...
> <msg>
> <ctt> _ => replaceAll(Msg, "\n", "") </ctt>
> </msg>
> </input>
> [structural]
> Everything worked fine. I would now like to extend messages to be a
> triplet (timestamp, port, data).
> I defined a new syntax in the *-SYNTAX module :
> syntax MsgTimeStp ::= Int
> syntax MsgPortId ::= String
> syntax MsgData ::= String
> syntax Msg ::= "(" MsgTimeStp "," MsgPortId "," MsgData ")"
> I modified the configuration :
> syntax Msg ::= "NullMsg"
> <rawInput> NullMsg:Msg </rawInput>
> and tried to replace the last rule with the following one :
> rule
> <filter> F:Filter </filter>
> <k> getNextMsg => parseInputMsg </k>
> <in> ListItem(Msg:Msg) => .List ...</in>
> <rawInput> Msg </rawInput>
> [structural]
> It does compile and start runing. However, when I provide the following
> string "( 3 , IN, 000000000000100001000 )" on stdin,
First of all, strings should be enclosed with quotes ("). So, a valid input
would be:
( 3, "IN", "000000000000100001000" )
> K stops (without error messages) and output a configuration where the cell
> <k> still contains "getNextMsg".
Unfortunately, K currently supports IO-stream for only primitive values such
as ints or strings. In your example, `Msg` is not primitive, and thus the
last rule is not applied. (Indeed, an warning should have been reported in
this case. We'll fix that.)
> Is there a way to parse the piece of data retrieved from stdin into a K
> term on which to apply further rules ? Or do I have no other way than to
> add to the program the messages to parse and do the parsing at load time ?
A workaround would be to read the input as a plain string and parse them
later. For example,
<k> getNextMsg => #parse(Input, "Msg") ... </k>
<in> ListItem(Input:String) => .List ... </in>
where `#parse` is a builtin function in K which takes as inputs a string to
parse and its sort, and returns the parsed term.
This should work for K 3.6.
Let me know if you still have the problem. I can help you more if you provide
the full definition.
> Thanks,
> Gurvan Le Guernic
- [[K-user] ] [K] Parsing input stream, Gurvan Le Guernic, 01/20/2016
- Re: [[K-user] ] [K] Parsing input stream, Park, Daejun, 01/20/2016
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