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k-user - [[K-user] ] Differences between Token and Lexer

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[[K-user] ] Differences between Token and Lexer

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Eric Huber <echuber2 AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] Differences between Token and Lexer
  • Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 00:44:16 -0500

Hi, I'm wondering if I understand correctly the differences between Token and Lexer. Lexer is not greedy, so it must be given the follow rule with -/- to show when it may NOT stop collecting characters for one token, correct? Whereas Token is greedy and can not use -/- rules.

Also, this detail from ref-manual.k seems counter-intuitive:
  The construction {<char set> "<separator>"}+ will match 'A', 'A-A',
  'A-A-A', but not 'A-'.

Doesn't the syntax suggest that the separator character must follow each character? I take it that the only reason this works is because in the particular example:

syntax MODNAME ::= Lexer{"#"?{[a-z0-9A-Z\_]+ "-"}+}
syntax MODNAME -/- [a-z0-9A-Z\-\_]

it is using Lexer with the construction, so it is not a greedy selection, and the follow exclusion rule says that - may not appear at the end. But the line in the documentation makes it sound like a special construction to specify ranges with a separator.

Thank you,
Eric Huber

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