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Subject: K-user mailing list
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- From: "Park, Daejun" <dpark69 AT illinois.edu>
- To: Mihály Palenik <palenik.mihaly AT gmail.com>
- Cc: "k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu" <k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] Error while using SUBSTITUTION module
- Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 21:32:52 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
Hi Mihály,
Sorry for the delay in reply. The issue may be due to a bug or an unsupported feature in K 4.0. Could you please report the issue in the K github issue page with some detailed instruction of how to reproduce your error?
On Dec 19, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Mihály Palenik <palenik.mihaly AT gmail.com> wrote:
Can anybody help about my problem?
Best regardsMihály Palenik
2016. dec. 9 14:41 ezt írta ("Mihály Palenik" <palenik.mihaly AT gmail.com>):
This works with 3.6 but 4.0 fails. Why? And how can I solve this?With this error:E1 is an _expression_ like: Somevar + OthervarIn Lang module I have getMatching function which returns a Map. If this map contains Variable key then the substitution fails. E.g.:module LANGmodule LANG-SYNTAXmodule LANG-COMMONHello,I have little problem with SUBSTITUTION. I have this module structure:
syntax Variableendmodule
import LANG-COMMONendmodule
syntax Variable ::= r"[A-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9@]*" [token, autoReject]
import SUBSTITUTIONendmodule
getMatching(...) return with this: Somevar |-> 11 Othervar |-> 23
Then rule fails which contains this: E1[getMatching(...)]
[Error] Critical: Sort KVariable is undefined.
while evaluating function _[_]
Thank you your answers in advance!
Best regards,
Mihály Palenik
- [[K-user] ] Error while using SUBSTITUTION module, Mihály Palenik, 12/09/2016
- [[K-user] ] Error while using SUBSTITUTION module, Mihály Palenik, 12/19/2016
- Re: [[K-user] ] Error while using SUBSTITUTION module, Park, Daejun, 12/20/2016
- [[K-user] ] Error while using SUBSTITUTION module, Mihály Palenik, 12/19/2016
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