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k-user - [[K-user] ] Rule matching on values of a Map

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[[K-user] ] Rule matching on values of a Map

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Daniel Schnetzer Fava <danielsf AT>
  • To: "k-user AT" <k-user AT>
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] Rule matching on values of a Map
  • Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 12:38:41 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US, nb-NO


I would like to encode a rule that replaces, for example, all Map values of 0
by 1 (regardless of their key). I suppose there are many ways of doing this.
Perhaps one of them is something like:

<a> ... _ |-> (0 => 1) ... </a>

that assume that <a> contains some map, for example: <a> AMap: Map </a>

I've encoded such a rule, and what I've observed is that K matches on one
value of the map (apparently the first that was added), but does not match
the rest. I feel like the rule should have applied to all 0 values.

Here is a full example:

$ cat issue.k
syntax K ::= "init" | continue(Int)

module ISSUE
configuration <k> $PGM:K </k> <a> .Map </a>

rule <k> init => continue(0) </k>
<a> AMap:Map => ((AMap[ 0 <- 0 ])[ 1 <- 0])[ 2 <- 0 ] </a> // A Map of
0 to 0, 1 to 0, and 2 to 0

rule <k> continue(C:Int => C +Int 1) </k>
<a> ... _ |-> (0 => 1) ... </a> // Replace all values of 0 by 1

The program simply contains the string "init"

$ cat test.issue

This is the output produced showing that the rule matches one of the values
in the Map, but not the others:

$ krun --debug test.issue | pprint
<k> continue ( 1 ) </k>
<a> 0 |-> 1 1 |-> 0 2 |-> 0 </a>

The output I was expecting is something more like:
<k> continue ( 3 ) </k>
<a> 0 |-> 1 1 |-> 1 2 |-> 1 </a>

Note that I am using git commit 35df078e85e83f23d1b45e7eee5481a8cb9e8939,
which I believe is the top of tree.

Could this be an issue?

Thank you,

Daniel Fava

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