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- From: <daparpon AT dsic.upv.es>
- To: k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu
- Subject: [[K-user] ] Obtaining sort information from K
- Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 04:43:18 -0500
Hi! I have a function in my language specification that is not working as
expected (in fact, it is not working at all), and, after some tests, I deduced
that it is probably due to a misled sort inference for the argument of the
function call. I mean, my function is declared for a given sort for its
parameters, but after some processing, K has inferred a sort for the
expression passed as argument which does not correspond to the declared sort.
Knowing which is the sort that K inferred would help me to identify the source
of the bug... Is there any function or term that provides the sort of a given
K expression?
Thanks in advance and best regards,
- [[K-user] ] Obtaining sort information from K, daparpon, 05/31/2017
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