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RE: [[K-user] ] Runtime object/memory model

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Chen, Xiaohong" <xc3 AT>
  • To: Russell Wallace <russell.wallace AT>
  • Cc: "k-user AT" <k-user AT>
  • Subject: RE: [[K-user] ] Runtime object/memory model
  • Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 15:02:05 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • Authentication-results:; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=xc3 AT

Hi Russell,

Good question. As Everett points out, K back-ends allow reachability analysis
+ operation semantics, which essentially is just matching logic reasoning,
since (we suppose that) reachability logic theories can be expressed as
matching logic theories. Therefore, I think what you mean by "a runtime model
of K" is the inference system (proof system) of matching logic, which you
could find in the canonical paper which proposes matching logic.

We have been developing a Semantics of K proposal in which we will eventually
define K definitions as matching logic theories
Backends will then explain / justify whatever they do with K definitions in
terms of matching logic reasoning.


Chen, Xiaohong
BSc, Peking University
PhD student, UIUC

From: Everett Hildenbrandt
[hildenb2 AT]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 8:22 AM
To: Russell Wallace
k-user AT
Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] Runtime object/memory model

K evolved out of Rewriting Logic (the original K-Maude was implemented in
Maude, see
An inference system for reachability was developed, which made reasoning
about program behavior efficient and simple (see Reachability Logic papers,
Reachability Logic (which generalizes Hoare Logic) allows you to use whatever
static logic you like for representing states, and only describes how to do
reachability analysis.
This also allows us to take an operational semantics (eg. a K definition)
*directly* as an axiomatic semantics, without having to do some Hoare Logic
style proof of equivalence of two semantics.

More recently, we've been working with Matching Logic (originally just the
static logic that K used by default, see Matching Logic resources,
We suppose that perhaps Reachability Logic theories can be expressed as
Matching Logic specifications.

In short, I think of K as a very nice symbolic rewriting engine (therefore
the underlying data-structures are terms in a term-algebra).
Perhaps Xiaohong Chen can shed some better light on this, as there has been
some work towards putting together a document describing the semantics of K
in a digestible and rigorous format.

Hope this helps,
Everett H.

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 10:40:11AM +0100, Russell Wallace wrote:
> Just came across K recently, and it looks interesting! The tutorial
> documents
> and videos I've found so far mostly talk about the front-end, language
> syntax
> and semantics, which is very impressive, but what I'm particularly
> interested
> in right now is the runtime object/memory model.
> By which I mean, assembly language has a runtime model where everything is a
> big array of bytes, C has one where there are separate memory segments that
> are
> sort of arrays of bytes but with a bunch of rules about what is and isn't
> defined behavior, in Java everything is an object, Lisp starts with atoms
> and
> cons cells, but elaborates from there etc.
> Where should I be looking for the explanation of the K runtime model?

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