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k-user - [[K-user] ] Strange non terminating kruns

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[[K-user] ] Strange non terminating kruns

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Markus Knecht <markus.knecht85 AT>
  • To: "k-user AT" <k-user AT>
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] Strange non terminating kruns
  • Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 11:41:51 +0000
  • Authentication-results:; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=markus.knecht85 AT

The third time now I have strange behaviour where krun does not terminate.
My conclusion was, that either my semantic has an endless loop in it or the KFramework has a bug.
At first I assumed the previous as it is more likely.
Each of the time I could not find the endless loop, but if I made enough changes it mysteriously started working again.
Now I have it again, I try to pinpoint the endless loop and found the following line in my programm:

Variant 1:
//initializes th k cell of a task
<k> someStuffProducingAType ~> concludeImpl(I) </k>
// consumes the result of the task
rule <k> T:Type ~> concludeImpl(I) => implDone(I) </k>

Variant 2:  
//initializes th k cell of a task
<k> someStuffProducingAType  ~> concludeImpl(I) </k>
// consumes the result of the task
//rule <k> T:Type ~> concludeImpl(I) => implDone(I) </k>

Variant 3:   
//initializes th k cell of a task
<k> someStuffProducingAType  ~> concludeImpl(I) </k>
// consumes the result of the task
syntax K ::= "nobodyShouldEverBeAbleToDoSomethingWithThis"
rule <k> T:Type ~> concludeImpl(I) => nobodyShouldEverBeAbleToDoSomethingWithThis </k> 

Now: both variant 1 & 3 lead to a nonterminating program, where variant 2 stops as expected with something alla T:Type ~> concludeImpl(I) in k.
Any hint how I can findout what the problem is?
It currently looks to me more like a KFramework problem than in my code, but I'm open for any hint how to fix this.

P.s: their is no other rule containing concludeImpl 

  • [[K-user] ] Strange non terminating kruns, Markus Knecht, 01/04/2018

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