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k-user - Re: [[K-user] ] Staging the evaluation of rules

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Re: [[K-user] ] Staging the evaluation of rules

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Daniel Schnetzer Fava <danielsf AT>
  • To: Markus Knecht <markus.knecht85 AT>
  • Cc: Daniel Schnetzer Fava <danielsf AT>, "k-user AT" <k-user AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] Staging the evaluation of rules
  • Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 10:13:00 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US, nb-NO
  • Authentication-results:; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=danielsf AT

Hi Markus,

Thanks for the reply.

What error do you get?
Does the evaluation get Stuck at   aBoolean  ~> selFindEnBs(...) , or does IsSelBranchEnabled(BHead) fails to evaluate to a boolean? or did it not kompile at all? 

IsSelBranchEnabled(BHead) fails to evaluate to a boolean.

It does get evaluated to a certain degree, but it stops here, and does not evaluate the >=Int

size ( ListItem ( ListItem ( 42 ) ListItem ( .Map ) ListItem ( .Set ) ) ) >=Int 1

Here is the rule for IsSelBranchEnabled:

  syntax Bool ::= "IsSelBranchEnabled" "(" GChan ")"
  rule <k> IsSelBranchEnabled( let Z:Id = channel(Ref:Int) <- V:Val in T:Term ) => size(BQ) >=Int 1 ... </k>
        <ref> Ref </ref>
        <type> _ </type>
       <forward> FQ </forward>
       <backward> BQ </backward>
      requires (EotInFQ(FQ) ==Bool false) // channel is open  
               (size(FQ) +Int size(BQ) >Int 0) // channel is async

   is Bool declared as KResult [do you have syntax KResult ::= Bool somwhere]

Bool is declared as KResult.

Thanks again,


Independent tips:
  I don't think the brackets before => are necessary
  instead of true/false ~> ... you could capture both in one statement with Res:Bool ~> …

Great!  I appreciate the comments.  Often, even though I manage to accomplish what I need/want, I get the feeling that there is a better way of doing it.

On 4 Jan 2018, at 16:55, Markus Knecht <markus.knecht85 AT> wrote:

What error do you get?
Does the evaluation get Stuck at   aBoolean  ~> selFindEnBs(...) , or does IsSelBranchEnabled(BHead) fails to evaluate to a boolean? or did it not kompile at all? 

Some things to check: 
   if something follows selFindEnBs you need to add ... before  </k>. 
   is Bool declared as KResult [do you have syntax KResult ::= Bool somwhere]

Independent tips:
  I don't think the brackets before => are necessary
  instead of true/false ~> ... you could capture both in one statement with Res:Bool ~> ...

Daniel Schnetzer Fava <danielsf AT> schrieb am Do., 4. Jan. 2018 um 16:25 Uhr:

I am trying to write a rule that first evaluates another, then evaluates itself.
I think I ought to be using ~> but I am not sure exactly how.

Here is some attempt that does not seem to work:

rule <k> selFindEnBs({ BHead } BTail, L:List) =>
            IsSelBranchEnabled(BHead) ~> selFindEnBs(BTail, L) </k>
rule <k> (true ~> selFindEnBs(BTail, L)) => 
              selFindEnBs(BTail, L ListItem(true)) </k>
rule <k> (false ~> selFindEnBs(BTail, L)) => 
              selFindEnBs(BTail, L ListItem(false)) </k>

The goal is to have the result of “IsSelBranchEnabled(BHead)” appended to the list L
and then continue evaluating selFindEnBs on BTail.

Any help is highly appreciated!



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