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- From: Camilo Rocha <camilo.rocha AT gmail.com>
- To: k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu
- Subject: [[K-user] ] ISR 2018 - Last call for participation
- Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 08:21:55 -0500
- Authentication-results: illinois.edu; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=camilo.rocha AT gmail.com; dkim=pass header.d=gmail.com header.s=20161025; dmarc=pass header.from=gmail.com
Call for Participation: ISR 2018
Tenth International School on Rewriting
July 30-August 3, Cali, Colombia
It is a pleasure to announce the second (and last) Call for
Participation to the 10th International School on Rewriting. The ISR
is promoted by the IFIP Working Group 1.6 Term Rewriting, and it is
aimed at master and PhD students, researchers, and practitioners
interested in the study of rewriting concepts and their applications.
The focus of the ISR 2018 will be on concepts of term rewriting and
rewriting logic, including mathematical foundations, rewrite-based
specification, rewrite systems, and properties of rewrite relations
such as termination and confluence. It will also focus on exploring
current research topics such as inductive and symbolic techniques
based on rewriting and narrowing, mechanical reasoning about the
rewrite relation, complexity of the lambda-calculus, and the use of
rewriting techniques for specifying and verifying complex systems
(real-time systems, protocols, etc.).
The school will offer two tracks:
- Track A: for newcomers in the field, or just for people who want to
obtain a new, updated exposure.
- Track B: for those who want to get deeper in the most recent
developments and applications of rewriting.
- Beniamino Accattoli (INRIA)
- Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (Universidade de Brasília)
- Kyungmin Bae (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Francisco Durán (Universidad de Málaga)
- Santiago Escobar (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
- José Meseguer (University of Illinois)
- César Muñoz (NASA - Langley)
- Peter Ölveczky (Universitetet i Oslo)
Track A (Basic Courses)
José Meseguer: Introduction to Term Rewriting (15 hours)
Francisco Durán: Exercises on Term Rewriting (3 hours)
Peter Ölveczky: Exercises on Term Rewriting (1.5 hours)
Track B (Advanced Courses)
Beniamino Accattoli: The Complexity of Beta-reduction (4.5 hours)
Mauricio Ayala: Formalizing Rewriting and Termination in a Proof
Assistant (3 hours)
Kyungmin Bae: Symbolic Model Checking (4.5 hours)
Francisco Durán: Meta-programming (3 hours)
Santiago Escobar: Narrowing-based Analysis (3 hours)
Peter Ölveczky: Real-time Specification and Analysis (4.5 hours)
César Muñoz: Formalizing Rewriting and Termination in a Proof
Assistant (3 hours)
The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali is the venue for ISR
2018. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is one of the oldest and most
prestigious higher education institutions in the country, dating back
to 1623.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali
Calle 18 No 118-250
Cali, Colombia
Phone: (+57-2) 321-82-00
Attendance to the school requires registration and has a fee. Group
rates are available in hotels nearby the venue until late July. Please
visit the web page for more details.
Organizing Committee
Gloria Inés Álvarez
Carlos Ramírez
Camilo Rocha (School Chair)
Gerardo Sarria
Luis Eduardo Tobón
Alexander Valencia
The School is collocated with the 25th Workshop on Logic, Language,
Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2018) that will take place in
Bogotá, from July 24th to 27th, 2018. WoLLIC will be hosted by
Universidad de los Andes:
Please note that air travel between Bogotá and Cali is frequent (about
15 daily flights), inexpensive (about US $70+ for a two-way ticket),
and fast (about 30 minutes long). Ground travel can be cheaper, but
not necessarily faster (8+ hours).
Email: isr2018 [at] javerianacali [dot] edu [dot] co
Web: http://isr2018.javerianacali.edu.co
Twitter: @isr2018_cali
Call for Participation: ISR 2018
Tenth International School on Rewriting
July 30-August 3, Cali, Colombia
It is a pleasure to announce the second (and last) Call for
Participation to the 10th International School on Rewriting. The ISR
is promoted by the IFIP Working Group 1.6 Term Rewriting, and it is
aimed at master and PhD students, researchers, and practitioners
interested in the study of rewriting concepts and their applications.
The focus of the ISR 2018 will be on concepts of term rewriting and
rewriting logic, including mathematical foundations, rewrite-based
specification, rewrite systems, and properties of rewrite relations
such as termination and confluence. It will also focus on exploring
current research topics such as inductive and symbolic techniques
based on rewriting and narrowing, mechanical reasoning about the
rewrite relation, complexity of the lambda-calculus, and the use of
rewriting techniques for specifying and verifying complex systems
(real-time systems, protocols, etc.).
The school will offer two tracks:
- Track A: for newcomers in the field, or just for people who want to
obtain a new, updated exposure.
- Track B: for those who want to get deeper in the most recent
developments and applications of rewriting.
- Beniamino Accattoli (INRIA)
- Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (Universidade de Brasília)
- Kyungmin Bae (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Francisco Durán (Universidad de Málaga)
- Santiago Escobar (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
- José Meseguer (University of Illinois)
- César Muñoz (NASA - Langley)
- Peter Ölveczky (Universitetet i Oslo)
Track A (Basic Courses)
José Meseguer: Introduction to Term Rewriting (15 hours)
Francisco Durán: Exercises on Term Rewriting (3 hours)
Peter Ölveczky: Exercises on Term Rewriting (1.5 hours)
Track B (Advanced Courses)
Beniamino Accattoli: The Complexity of Beta-reduction (4.5 hours)
Mauricio Ayala: Formalizing Rewriting and Termination in a Proof
Assistant (3 hours)
Kyungmin Bae: Symbolic Model Checking (4.5 hours)
Francisco Durán: Meta-programming (3 hours)
Santiago Escobar: Narrowing-based Analysis (3 hours)
Peter Ölveczky: Real-time Specification and Analysis (4.5 hours)
César Muñoz: Formalizing Rewriting and Termination in a Proof
Assistant (3 hours)
The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali is the venue for ISR
2018. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is one of the oldest and most
prestigious higher education institutions in the country, dating back
to 1623.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali
Calle 18 No 118-250
Cali, Colombia
Phone: (+57-2) 321-82-00
Attendance to the school requires registration and has a fee. Group
rates are available in hotels nearby the venue until late July. Please
visit the web page for more details.
Organizing Committee
Gloria Inés Álvarez
Carlos Ramírez
Camilo Rocha (School Chair)
Gerardo Sarria
Luis Eduardo Tobón
Alexander Valencia
The School is collocated with the 25th Workshop on Logic, Language,
Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2018) that will take place in
Bogotá, from July 24th to 27th, 2018. WoLLIC will be hosted by
Universidad de los Andes:
Please note that air travel between Bogotá and Cali is frequent (about
15 daily flights), inexpensive (about US $70+ for a two-way ticket),
and fast (about 30 minutes long). Ground travel can be cheaper, but
not necessarily faster (8+ hours).
Email: isr2018 [at] javerianacali [dot] edu [dot] co
Web: http://isr2018.javerianacali.edu.co
Twitter: @isr2018_cali
Camilo Rocha
- [[K-user] ] ISR 2018 - Last call for participation, Camilo Rocha, 07/13/2018
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