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- From: <isaacdefrain AT gmail.com>
- To: k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu
- Subject: [[K-user] ] CellBags & Functions minimal example
- Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 09:42:18 -0500
Hello again,
I recently asked about cellbags and functions and have since produced a
minimal example which demonstrates the idea I'm hoping to capture and gives
rise to the same error as before.
Basically, I would like to define a function which directly uses the contents
of a CellBag as input, but I always get a compilier error.
Here's the example:
// CellBag Function minimal example
require "domains.k"
import DOMAINS
syntax Term ::= Int
| "[" Terms "]"
| "SumBeta" [token]
syntax Terms ::= Term
> Term "," Terms [right]
syntax KItem ::= Int
module CELLBAG
<k> $PGM:Term </k>
<beta multiplicity="*">
syntax KResult ::= Int
syntax BetaCell
syntax BetaCellBag
// add Term list contents to <beta/> cells
rule <k> [I:Int , T:Terms] => [T] ...</k>
(.Bag => <beta> I </beta>)
// call SumBeta at the end
rule <k> [I:Int] => SumBeta ...</k>
(.Bag => <beta> I </beta>)
// sum contents of <beta/> cells
rule <k> SumBeta => sum(B) </k>
<alpha> B => .Bag </alpha>
// sum contents of <beta/> cells
syntax Int ::= "sum(" BetaCellBag ")" [function]
rule sum( .BetaCellBag ) => 0
rule sum( <beta> I:Int </beta> B:BetaCellBag ) => I +Int sum(B)
Kompiling results in the error:
[Error] Compiler: Had 1 parsing errors.
[Error] Inner Parser: Parse error: unexpected token 'B'.
This error is due to the second rule for the "sum" function (i.e. `rule
sum( <beta> I:Int </beta> B:BetaCellBag ) => I +Int sum(B)`). If instead, this
rule is changed to `rule sum( <beta> I:Int </beta> ) => I`, there is no
compilation error and programs execute as expected.
I am using the Java backend to kompile and RV-K version 1.0-SNAPSHOT
Git revision: 1e310cd
Git branch: UNKNOWN
Build date: Thu Jan 31 03:38:17 EST 2019
I would greatly appreciate any insights you may have! Thank you.
- [[K-user] ] CellBags & Functions minimal example, isaacdefrain, 10/22/2019
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