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k-user - Re: [[K-user] ] K without the LLVM backend

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Re: [[K-user] ] K without the LLVM backend

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Traian Florin Şerbănuţă <traian.serbanuta AT>
  • To: Andreas Stahlbauer <stahlbau AT>
  • Cc: k-user <k-user AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] K without the LLVM backend
  • Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 10:48:32 +0200
  • Authentication-results:; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=traian.serbanuta AT; dkim=pass header.s=20150623; dmarc=pass

Hi Andreas, 

Just for future reference,  you can skip building the llvm backend by using

mvn package -Dllvm.backend.skip

Hope that helps!
best wishes,

În joi, 31 oct. 2019 la 10:40, Andreas Stahlbauer <stahlbau AT> a scris:
The problem has been solved by ensuring that all dependencies are
installed (with brew) and doing a “mvn clean” before rebuilding the project.

Summary: Installing K on macOS is not a problem. In the end, I was only
wondering if all backends are really needed to work with K, for example,
to define an executable semantics of a language.

> On 31. Oct 2019, at 08:29, Andreas Stahlbauer <stahlbau AT> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would love to use K for one of my projects. Is there a way to get
> it compiling without the LLVM backend? Would there be an old
> version that does not require it? (working on macOs).
> Thank you and best regards from Passau,
> Andreas
> [INFO]
> [INFO] K Framework Tool Parent ............................ SUCCESS [  0.367 s]
> [INFO] K Framework KORE ................................... SUCCESS [  2.420 s]
> [INFO] K Framework Tool Kernel ............................ SUCCESS [ 26.406 s]
> [INFO] K Framework KTree .................................. SUCCESS [  0.029 s]
> [INFO] K Framework Ocaml Backend .......................... SUCCESS [  0.037 s]
> [INFO] K Framework Java Backend ........................... SUCCESS [  2.736 s]
> [INFO] K Framework Haskell Backend ........................ SUCCESS [  4.064 s]
> [INFO] K Framework LLVM Backend Pattern Matching .......... SUCCESS [  0.107 s]
> [INFO] K Framework LLVM Backend ........................... FAILURE [  0.662 s]
> [INFO] K Framework Tool Distribution ...................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time:  39.286 s
> [INFO] Finished at: 2019-10-31T08:28:20+01:00
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (build-llvm) on project llvm-backend: An Ant BuildException has occured: exec returned: 1
> --
> Andreas Stahlbauer
> University of Passau
> Chair of Software Engineering II
> Innstraße 33, 94032 Passau
> Phone: +49 851 509 3198
> Room: 126 IM

Andreas Stahlbauer

University of Passau
Chair of Software Engineering II
Innstraße 33, 94032 Passau

Phone: +49 851 509 3198
Room: 126 IM

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