k-user AT lists.siebelschool.illinois.edu
Subject: K-user mailing list
List archive
- From: Mike Stay <stay AT pyrofex.net>
- To: k-user <k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu>
- Subject: [[K-user] ] Best way to get started?
- Date: Thu, 6 May 2021 12:57:45 -0600
- Authentication-results: ppops.net; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=stay AT pyrofex.net; dkim=pass header.s=google header.d=pyrofex.net
Is the k tutorial here
still the best way for a new user to get familiar with the system? Or
is it out of date?
Mike Stay, PhD
CTO, Pyrofex Corp.
- [[K-user] ] Best way to get started?, Mike Stay, 05/06/2021
- Re: [[K-user] ] Best way to get started?, Rikard Hjort, 05/07/2021
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