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- From: Everett Hildenbrandt <hildenb2 AT illinois.edu>
- To: Mike Stay <stay AT pyrofex.net>
- Cc: <k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?
- Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 15:24:07 -0500
- Authentication-results: illinois.edu; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=hildenb2 AT illinois.edu
Hey Mike,
I think you may find the `function` tag useful for your purposes:
module SK-SYNTAX
syntax Comb ::= "s" | "k"
syntax Apply ::= "(" Term Term ")" [function]
syntax Term ::= Comb | Apply
module SK
imports SK-SYNTAX
rule ((k X:Term) Y:Term) => X
rule (((s X:Term) Y:Term) Z:Term) => ((X Z) (Y Z))
This tells the rewrite engine to apply all rules with the given KLabel as its
top symbol to completion before taking a "normal" rewriting step.
If you're familiar with Maude, you may think of this like an "equational
rewrite", though we don't perform any checks that the resulting equational
system is confluent/terminating.
This achieves the "rewrite anywhere in the AST" behavior you're looking for.
Given the above code, I'm getting:
(((k k) s) k) => (k k)
(s ((k s) k)) => (s s)
((s s) ((k s) k)) => ((s s) s)
These look like the correct reductions to me given the SK-calculus.
The attribute `strict` adds "heating" and "cooling" rules to the K
definition, which is why you see the "freezer..." stuff show up in your
This can be useful when you have a (potentially deep) expression language
with variables/sub-expressions at the leaves that need to be evaluated in
isolation or in the surrounding environment.
I think for the SK calculus you won't need that functionality.
Also, if you do want to mess with `strict` eventually, you may also consider
`seqstrict`, which does the heating and cooling of the arguments, but
specifically from left to right.
As for the parsing, you could try using a different KLabel (specified in the
On initial testing, the following seems to give the correct reductions again
(I only ran it on the above examples):
module SK-SYNTAX
syntax Comb ::= "S" [klabel(scomb)] | "K" [klabel(kcomb)]
syntax Apply ::= "(" Term Term ")" [function]
syntax Term ::= Comb | Apply
module SK
imports SK-SYNTAX
rule ((K X:Term) Y:Term) => X
rule (((S X:Term) Y:Term) Z:Term) => ((X Z) (Y Z))
This essentially tells it to build a `scomb` (`kcomb`) AST node instead of an
`S` (`K`) AST node at parse-time.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions,
Everett H.
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 01:13:28PM -0600, Mike Stay wrote:
> I'm having trouble defining the SK combinator calculus.
> module SK-SYNTAX
> syntax Comb ::= "s" | "k"
> syntax Apply ::= "(" Term Term ")" [strict]
> syntax Term ::= Comb | Apply
> endmodule
> module SK
> imports SK-SYNTAX
> rule ((k X:Term) Y:Term) => X
> rule (((s X:Term) Y:Term) Z:Term) => ((X Z) (Y Z))
> endmodule
> If I leave off the [strict] annotation, then a term like
> (((k k) s) k)
> never reduces to (k k).
> If I have the [strict] annotation, then
> (s ((k s) k))
> queues up s as a term to evaluate and stores the continuation as the next
> task.
> If I add
> syntax KResult ::= Comb
> then
> ((s s) ((k s) k))
> queues up (s s) as a term to evaluate and stores the continuation as
> the next task.
> Is there an annotation that says "reduce the argument as far as you
> can, then move to the next one", or a way to say that rewrite rules
> apply anywhere in an abstract syntax tree?
> The other confusing thing was that if I defined the K combinator to be
> a capital K, then the rewrite rules confused it with the K type. Is
> there a way to use capital K as a term in a rewrite rule?
> --
> Mike Stay
> CTO, Pyrofex Corp.
- [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Everett Hildenbrandt, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/22/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Christos Kloukinas, 07/22/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/22/2017
- RE: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Rosu, Grigore, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Everett Hildenbrandt, 07/21/2017
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