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- From: Mike Stay <stay AT pyrofex.net>
- To: Everett Hildenbrandt <hildenb2 AT illinois.edu>
- Cc: k-user AT lists.cs.illinois.edu
- Subject: Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?
- Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 16:57:18 -0600
- Authentication-results: illinois.edu; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=stay AT pyrofex.net
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Everett Hildenbrandt
<hildenb2 AT illinois.edu>
> Hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions,
I'm working towards implementing a concurrent combinator calculus. As
an experiment, I've added a "par" combinator | to SKI, a bag of
processes (denoted by <p>...</p>), and a rule
rule <p> ((| T:Term) U:Term) </p> => <p> T </p> <p> U </p>
that runs T and U concurrently. Even though I've marked Apply as
functional, it's getting stuck. The term
((| one) (((s ((s two) three)) four) five))
reduces to
<T> <processes> <p> one </p> <p> ( ( ( ( s two ) three ) five ) (
four five ) ) </p> </processes> <k> empty </k> </T>
which is correct as far as it goes, but it should continue and reduce
( ( ( s two ) three ) five ) to ((two five) (three five)).
What am I doing wrong?
syntax Par ::= "|"
syntax SComb ::= "s"
syntax KComb ::= "k"
syntax IComb ::= "i"
syntax Comb ::= Par | SComb | KComb | IComb
syntax Apply ::= "(" Term Term ")" [functional]
syntax Term ::= Id | Comb | Apply
syntax Empty ::= "empty"
module SKIC
<p multiplicity="*"> . </p>
<k> $PGM:Term </k>
<k> T:Term => empty </k>
<processes> Ps => (Ps <p> T </p>) </processes>
rule <p> (i X:Term) => X </p>
rule <p> ((k X:Term) Y:Term) => X </p>
rule <p> (((s X:Term) Y:Term) Z:Term) => ((X Z) (Y Z)) </p>
rule <p> ((| T:Term) U:Term) </p> => <p> T </p> <p> U </p>
Mike Stay
CTO, Pyrofex Corp.
- [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Everett Hildenbrandt, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/22/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Christos Kloukinas, 07/22/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/22/2017
- RE: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Rosu, Grigore, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Mike Stay, 07/21/2017
- Re: [[K-user] ] How to model combinator calculi?, Everett Hildenbrandt, 07/21/2017
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